Am dat peste o ofertă de descărcare a a unui ebook gratuit despre Machine Learning și m-am gândit să vă spun despre el, poate vă interesează. Este un PDF Azure Machine Learning in a Weekend, în care sunt detaliate niște exemple practice legate de Machine Learning și vă permite să vă antrenați în zona machine learning.
Combină partea de development și partea de deployment (DevOps) pentru că deja un develope rbun are nevoie să știe și aspecte legate de deployment, dincolo de cod.
Cuprinsul arată cam așa:
1. Introduction 4
2. The problem we solve: Azure ML SDK – Fashion MNIST 4
- What you will learn
- Community for the book
- The community link for the book is HERE. We welcome your comments in the community
- Pre-requisites – What you need to know
- Caution in using the Cloud – Deleting resources
- Cloud – Glossary
3. Code 9
- Flow Diagrams
- Code and links to code
- Local implementation
- Training
- Deployment
4. Azure Machine Learning concepts – an Introduction 27
- Sequence of flow
- Concepts of Azure Machine Learning – an overview
- STEPS for Training
- STEPS for deployment
5. Training and Deployment – extended discussion 32
- What is a Virtual Machine?
- What is Azure Machine Learning SDK?
- What is Workspace?
- What is a resource group?
- What is Experiment in Azure?
- What is a Compute Target?
- Submit machine learning experiment to the cloud
- Datastore
- Training script
- Creating Estimator
6. Deploying model to the cloud 40
- Deployment
- Load workspace and download registered model
- Create a script
- Create a bespoke environment to run your model in
- Image
7. Additional topics 43
- Setup a Container service to host your model
- How the Azure Machine Learning service works: Architecture and concepts
- Pipeline
Conclusion 50
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