HomeFeaturedFocusComunitatea Nokia Beta Labs se muta pe un nou domeniu

Comunitatea Nokia Beta Labs se muta pe un nou domeniu


Am primit astăzi un email în care sunt anunțat că Nokia Beta Labs (locul de unde am putut instala o grămadă de aplicații cool pentru aparatele Nokia Lumia cu Windows Phone) se mută într-o casă nouă: http://lumiabetaapps.uservoice.com. Asta înseamnă că dacă voi dori să instalez în continuare versiuni beta de aplicații pentru aparatele Lumia va trebui să mă conectez pe noul site. Începând cu 5 septembrie 2014, http://betalabs.nokia.com nu va mai funcționa.

Dear Nokia Beta Labs community members,

We’ve come a long way since our humble beginnings in 2007, in large part due to your enthusiasm and eager participation in our beta trials. Thank you for that! Now, please join us in preparing for the next chapter.

Beginning this month we will start hosting all new beta trials for Lumia apps at a new site, based on services provided by UserVoice. You can preview that site at http://lumiabetaapps.uservoice.com

That site will be the new home for beta trials for Lumia apps. There you will find info about ongoing trials, instructions to install beta apps, and notes about app features and known issues. And for each beta app there is a feedback forum where you can give feedback about the apps, vote on others’ feedback, and interact with the teams developing the apps.

Trialing beta apps with passionate lead users remains a key phase of our product development and helps us to build better products. By switching to a new site built on the UserVoice service we focus on what’s most important – gathering feedback and interacting with people testing our apps, like you. At the same time the end-to-end experience of participating in beta trials should become simpler.

The Nokia Beta Labs site that is now available at http://betalabs.nokia.comwill be discontinued on September 5, 2014, and all links to the betalabs.nokia.com domain will redirect to the new site. All content hosted at the Nokia Beta Labs site will no longer be available after the site is discontinued. However, many of the trials ongoing now at Nokia Beta Labs will continue at the new site and you will be able to continue giving feedback and interacting there. For example:

You can find more info about this change posted on the new site, including a tutorial about how the new site works. We’ll post more information to both sites as we prepare for the switchover. Additionally, you’re welcome to follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on all news and alerts related to our beta trials.

– John, Community Manager

Aplicațiile publicate prin Nokia Beta Labs care nu au ajuns încă la maturitate vor putea fi regăsite pe noul site Beta Labs. Probabil că toate conturile vor putea fi folosite fără probleme în noul site Microsoft.

Ionuţ Bălan
Ionuţ Bălanhttps://www.mobzine.ro
Gadget enthusiast. Ruby Developer. Security addict. IT industry analyst. Reviewer & speaker.



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